OL roll on Häcken for Ada Hegerberg's return

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// C1 (F)

  • // Gr. D
  • // Häcken-Lyon (0-3)
  • OL roll on Häcken for the return of Ada Hegerberg

    BK Häcken female 0-3 Olympique lyonnais female

    For the first match in the history of the group stage of the Women’s Champions League, the Lyonnaises quietly imposed themselves on the lawn of the Bravida Arena in Gothenburg against Häcken, this Tuesday ( 0-3). Well launched by Melvine Malard, scorer on a center behind Danielle van de Donk (0-1, 10 e ) , the players of Sonia Bompastor waited for the second half to definitively fold solid Swedes.

    Catarina Macario took advantage of a poor defense clearance to shoot Falk (0 -2, 48 e ) , yet author of ” a huge double stop before half-time, before Stine Larsen scored against his camp (0-3, 53 e )

    . But the event of this second act will remain the return of Ada Hegerberg on a field, 625 days after her last match in the Lyon jersey.

    WELCOME BACK TO @ UWCL ACTION, ADA HEGERBERG pic.twitter.com/azUa546r1Y – DAZN Football (@DAZNFootball) October 5, 2021

    The top scorer in the history of the women’s C1 impatiently awaits the reception of Benfica, next Thursday, to shake the nets again.

    BK Häcken female (4-3-3): Falk – Rubensson, Gevitz, Kullberg, Okvist – Curmark, Gejl (Mijatović, 67 e ), Zigiotti Olme (Holmes, 63 e ) – Rytting Kaneryd (Zomers, 85 e ), Blackstenius, Larsen. Coach: Matz Gren.

    Women’s Olympique Lyonnais (4-3-3): Endler – Carpenter (Morroni, 78 e )), Buchanan, Henry, Bacha – Damaris, Van de Donk ( Baga, 78 e ), Macario (Hegerberg , 78 e ) – Cascarino (Cayman, 57 e )), Bruun, Malard (Laurent , 67 e ). Coach: Sonia Bompastor.


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