One Piece Creator Is Looking Forward to a Special Part of Wano’s Finale

The Wano Arc has been continuing in the pages of One Piece’s manga for years, with creator Eiichiro Oda at the helm for what many consider to be one of the biggest battles that Luffy and his pirates have been a part of to date. At the latest Jump Festa, an event that takes the opportunity to hype Shonen franchises and their future plans, the mangaka responsible for the creation of the Grand Line began hinting at the end of the War For Wano and a specific moment that he has been waiting to create for quite some time.

On top of hinting at the future of his series, Jump Festa also allowed Eiichiro Oda to share a number of new details about the next film in One Piece’s library, which is currently titled One Piece: Red. The movie, which is still steeped in mystery, will apparently have a much larger role for Shanks, the former mentor of Luffy who hasn’t played a significant role in the series for quite some time. Though fans of One Piece are wondering when they can expect the movie to arrive, Oda’s plate is certainly full not just with this and the main manga series, but also acting as an executive producer for the upcoming live-action Netflix adaptation.

At Jump Festa 2022, Oda had this to say regarding the War For Wano, and a certain moment that the mangaka has been waiting to explore for some time:

“I’m surprised the Wano Arc isn’t over yet! I’ve been looking forward to drawing ‘that’ final scene of the Wano Arc!”

With the recent events of the war rumbling inside Wano seeing both Sanji and Zoro taking down their respective foes in the Beast Pirates, it seems that both Luffy and Kaido, the respective captains of the Straw Hats and the Beast Pirates, are at the end of their ropes as they attempt to change the fate of the isolated nation. Regardless of who wins, the fight is sure to change the landscape of the Grand Line forever.


What do you think this moment will be that Oda is hinting at? With One Piece set to end within the next five years, what are your predictions for Shonen’s finale? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Grand Line. 

Via Sandman_AP

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