Only 12 cheetahs left in Iran, seriously endangered

In Iran only 12 left cheetahs , while in 2017 there were about fifty, warned this Sunday the Iranian Deputy Minister of Environment , stating that the situation of this endangered feline is “extremely critical”.

“Currently there are only nine males and three females left , compared to the 100 of 2010 and its situation is extremely critical, “the Deputy Minister in charge of Environment and Biodiversity, , Hasan Akbari , told the Tasnim press agency .

The animals in question are victims of the drought , hunting or vehicles, as many are killed by car, he specified.

The cheetah subspecies “Acinonyx jubatus venaticus”, or Asia’s cheetah, present in Iran , is critically endangered, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature .

“The measures we have taken to increase protection and reproduction [del animal] and the installation of signs on the roads have not been enough to save this species “, added the person in charge.

With the support of United Nations , Iran launched a program to protect those moms in 2001. In 2014, the Iranian soccer team caused a sensation during the World Cup in Brazil by having the head of that animal stamped on his uniform.

In the past, the presence of the cheetah , The fastest animal in the world (it can reach 120 km / h) stretched from the eastern reaches of India to the Atlantic coast of Senegal and the southern tip of the African continent.

There are still some specimens in certain areas of Southern Africa , but the feline has practically disappeared from North Africa and Asia.

(AFP information)


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