‎OPEC+ to stick with 2022 oil deal for rest of 2023: Saudi minister

OPEC+ to stick with 2022 oil deal for rest of 2023: Saudi minister

Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, Minister of Energy

Minister of Energy Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman stressed that OPEC+ will stick with an oil deal agreed in late 2022 for the rest of the year.

“You need to make sure that the emergence of these positive signals in the market can be sustained,” Asharq Business reported, citing an interview with Energy Aspects Ltd. Production cannot be only raised on initial signals for demand.

“The level of demand for oil is unpredictable. I will believe in demand growth when iIsee it”, he added.

OPEC+ decisions are taken unanimously, the Saudi minister affirming, noting that it is unfair to claim that Saudi Arabia makes unilateral decisions.

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