Opposition 'angry' with rally ban raises questions on digital campaign

The elections going to be held in five states of the country (Election Dates Announced) have been announced. The Election Commission said that between February 10 and March 10, the entire election process will be completed. Elections are going to be held in UP in seven phases. Polling will be held in one phase in Punjab, Uttarakhand and Goa on February 14. At the same time, Manipur elections will be completed in two phases. The results of all the states will be out on March 10. Now with the announcement of these dates, there has been a stir in the political corridors.

Now because these elections are being held in the midst of the Corona crisis, many restrictions have also been imposed on all the parties. Huh. The biggest restriction is that till January 15, no rally or street meeting will be organized. Now on this strictness of the Commission and on the announcement of the dates, all the leaders have started giving their respective reactions.

Akhilesh-Owaisi has problem with digital publicity

SP chief Akhilesh Yadav on one hand claimed that BJP is certain to leave power on March 10, while on the other hand expressed his concern over digital campaign. He said that the people of BJP are occupying the digital platform. How will the workers who do not have the resources to conduct a virtual rally. How will those who are small parties get space? AIMIM Chief Asaduddin Owaisi has also issued his protest on this matter. According to them, there is a huge digital divide in UP.

They say that the NITI Aayog report shows that only 39 out of every 100 people in UP have internet. Referring to the NSS report also, Owaisi said that only four percent of the households have computer facility. It has also been claimed that 50 percent of women in UP have never used the internet. Apart from all this, the AIMIM Chief stressed that only limited people have access to mobile, so digital campaigning can become a challenge.

BSP supporters and leaders are more than digital campaigns. are not happy. According to him, every party has its own support base. Everyone has their vote. In such a situation, the BSP is concerned that the class which votes for them, does not use this type of technology much. In such a situation, they will not be able to convey their point to the public properly.

BJP’s big claim of victory, AAP ko Vishwas in Punjab

By the way, apart from this concern, big claims were also made by the parties of their respective victories. In this episode, UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath expressed confidence that once again a government with a thumping majority of BJP is going to be formed. The choice is 80% vs 20%. His government is going to fight this election on the issue of nationalism, good governance and development. Now it is important to understand here that CM has said without naming that some parties are keeping an eye on only 20 percent Muslim vote of the state, but his party is strengthening its position on 80 percent votes.

BJP President JP Nadda also claimed that the return of BJP is certain in UP and other states. He also appealed to his workers to follow every corona protocol and make their participation more active in the great festival of democracy. By the way, apart from UP, the Rann of Punjab is also going on very interestingly. There too the elections are going to be completed in one phase. This time the Aam Aadmi Party is dreaming of forming its former majority government in this state.

Bhagwant Mann has said that on March 10, the people of Punjab are going to win. The people here have reposed faith in the dreams of Arvind Kejriwal. According to him, now the people will be freed from all those parties who have only looted this state, drawn them towards drugs. Apart from all this, the hill state of Uttarakhand is also ready for elections. Here too the votes are going to be held in one phase. CM Pushkar Singh Dhami has given the slogan of 60 plus. According to him, neither AAP’s broom will get anything nor Congress will be able to do anything. If they believe, then Lakshmi of development is going to come only with BJP.

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