Opposition protest in Banja Luka, demanding the removal of the Minister of Health

BANJA LUKA – Representatives of opposition parties in Republika Srpska protested today on Krajina Square in Banja Luka against, as they claim, “crime and media darkness” in RS.

At a time when RS is shaken by the affair ” Oxygen “, the opposition made three demands which, as the president of the Serbian Democratic Party Mirko Sarovic said, include the dismissal of the RS Minister of Health Alen Seranic, the director of the RS University Clinical Center Vlado Djajic, as well as all hospital directors who, as he claims, acted by

He also demands that the courts and the prosecutor’s office urgently start prosecuting those guilty of the “Oxygen”, “Masks” and “Respirators” scandals, as well as that RTRS in within 15 days on the digital signal on Kozara turn on BN television, as was done with Alternative Television, reports Klix.ba.

Šarović announced that the opposition, if the demands are not met, will hold a new protest rally in front of the RTRS building with new demands and warned that it would The protests will last until they are fulfilled.

The mayor of Banja Luka, Drasko Stanivukovic, accused the authorities in RS of being worse than the authorities of the Turks because, as he said, “the Turks at least did not take oxygen from the people.”

The president of the Party of Democratic Progress, Branislav Borenovic, promised that the opposition would “drive out the unpopular regime, send them to the political past, but also to prisons” in the next year, while the deputy president of the Serbian Democratic Party, Milan Radovic, said The time of the leader of the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD), Milorad Dodik, is over.

The result of the sampled oxygen taken from the University Clinical Center of Republika Srpska is 99.90 percent at one location and 99.92 percent at another, he said. on Thursday, the Prime Minister of Srpska, Radovan Višković, announced criminal charges against those who raised this

At an extraordinary press conference, Višković announced that the quality of medical oxygen is much better than the law m prescribed for medicine.

The results, as he emphasized, showed that there was no affair with oxygen, as well as that it did not even exist.


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