Options 2021 online. Here are the tools to help you make the right decision

There are two basic approaches to elections. You will either make your decisions based on your emotions, impressions and sympathies, or you can take a pragmatic approach. We focus on a pragmatic, purely analytical approach to the problem, the only way to achieve an objective result – to find such a party or group that will want to achieve what we want. However, emotions certainly have a role in elections, but it is advisable to leave them until the final decision-making phase.

Where do you belong

First of all, it is not wrong to find out , where you belong with your opinions and attitudes on our political map – whether you are economically oriented more to the left, to the right and whether you are more progressive or conservative. It will help you at least basically find out which pages you are ideologically and programmatically closest to.

You can find such a compass on the page www.irozhlas.cz/volebni-kompas-2021 . It contains 30 questions with the most important topics and refers to the Dutch company Kieskompas, on whose methodology it was founded

How the parties fulfilled their promises

the movement can have the program it wants. But if he fulfills only a handful of his promises during the election period, he cannot believe what he promises. You have to take into account two factors: the first is that no party has ever had 101 deputies in our country, so it always had to form a coalition with another party or parties and within this coalition had to compromise from its program, make compromises.

Electoral programs are authoritative in countries where there are only two super-strong parties and only one of them is the winner – as is the case in the USA. In our country, pre-election promises and programs are seen more as stepping stones to negotiations with a possible coalition government. The second factor is the fact that if a party finds itself in opposition, it can hardly enforce its program. 2018 its program statement and the server Demagog.cz made a detailed analysis of 50 promises that this government had the power and potential to enforce.

Another initiative between promises and real voting can be the initiative Reconstruction of the State ( www.rekonstrukcestatu.cz ) lobbying for systemic measures against the abuse of public money. It launched the Election Guide www.volebnipruvodce.cz ), in which it evaluates how the current parties voted for anti-corruption laws, what they promise and how they are funded – all on a scale of 1 to 5 as in school. You can get a picture of who (including individual candidates) is really fighting corruption and who is just talking about it.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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