Opus shares were sold by Konzum PE Private Equity Fund



On the Budapest Stock Exchange Opus announced that the Konzum private equity fund had sold more than 350,000 ordinary shares issued by the company to the Takarék Private Equity Fund managed by Opus Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt.

Opus has informed investors on the BSE website that

    as announced by the Consumers PE Private Equity Fund in the framework of an over-the-counter transaction the day before yesterday sold 357,632 ordinary shares issued by the company For the Savings Private Investment Fund managed by Opus Investment Fund Management Ltd. As a result of the above transaction, the number of voting shares directly owned by the fund has changed from 175,584,196 to 175,266,564,

  • thus the ratio of the direct voting rights of the fund company from 25.02 per cent to 24.98 per cent, thus exceeding the limit of 25 per cent according to the relevant law.
    • Direct and indirect voting rights held by the Fund (25*40

    Opus’s share price fell 12.8 percent this year

    Cover image: Budapest Stock Exchange

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