Over 853 million euros have already been collected for the reconstruction of Notre Dame. Details of the reconstruction have not yet been released

2022-01-01 09:32

2022-01-01 09:32

Na odbudowę Notre Dame zebrano już ponad 853 mln euro. Wciąż nie ujawniono szczegółów rekonstrukcji
Na odbudowę Notre Dame zebrano już ponad 853 mln euro. Wciąż nie ujawniono szczegółów rekonstrukcji

photo. David Cordova / / ZUMA Press

The foundation collecting donations for the reconstruction of Notre Dame Cathedral has so far taken over 853 million euros from donors around the world. However, the public still does not know the details of the reconstruction project proposed by the Diocese of Paris.

Rebuilding the exterior of the cathedral in accordance with the original: the roof and the Viollet spire -Duc is in charge of the public institution responsible for the conservation and restoration of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris. The diocese of Paris is responsible for the reconstruction of the interior of the cathedral.

The oaks were selected for the reconstruction of the Notre Dame Cathedral. The value of each is several thousand. euro

In the first case, the craftsmen and architects use materials as close as possible to those used by the cathedral builders. According to the original, the spire that fell from the roof of the cathedral during the fire on April 15, 2019

The diocese is responsible for the reconstruction of the interior of the temple, which on December 9 presented its project of the National Heritage and Architecture Commission (CNPA). However, the public did not know the visualization of the project. The diocese also refuses to comment on the media. Leaks to the press show that the committee did not agree to install benches in the cathedral on wheels, and recommended to leave the statues of saints in their permanent places.

The daily Le Figaro wrote about the fact that the statues were to change their original place, commenting: “It, what the fire saved, the diocese wants to destroy “.

“After the resignation of the Archbishop of Paris, the Diocese of Paris is in crisis. Even in the diocese’s press office there were changes, specialists have left and no one is trying to counter the image crisis after the publication of the British daily + Telegraph +, which describes the diocese’s project as + politically correct Disneyland + and + experimental salon + “- a person related to the reconstruction of the cathedral asked for anonymity.

“The interior design, which was prepared for months by the diocese of Paris, was made quietly,” says journalist Matteo Ghisalberti, who deals with the reconstruction of Notre Dame in Paris. the fact that the foundation collecting donations for the reconstruction of the cathedral took such a large amount, the decision not to disclose the visualization of the interior reconstruction project to the public seems incomprehensible ”- he added.

Meanwhile, a foundation raising funds for the reconstruction of Notre Dame called for an additional 4.7 million euros to reconstruct the interior of the cathedral. “The diocese is entirely responsible for this project and it is not covered by public support” – the foundation reminded in a press release. pulpits, benches, chapels, lighting and sound equipment, renovation of the reliquary with a crown of thorns and development of the prayer space associated with it, and finally a complete renovation of the treasury.

The Notre-Dame Vault contains, among others goldsmith elements, tunic of St. Louis and chasubles used for centuries for great celebrations, as well as Napoleon’s coronation candlesticks.

According to Didier Rykner, historian and founder of “La Tribune de l’art”, French clergy “feel the need to be modern, but are actually antiquated. The church has 2000 years of history, we can finally change something, but not contrary to what was before. The heritage has been saved, we cannot want to throw it into the trash, because we want to do it differently, ”summed up Rykner.

From Paris Katarzyna Stańko (PAP)

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Source: PAP

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