Palace staff’s stories about Prince Andrew spark possibility of bullying probe

A number of former Buckingham Palace staff have come forward with their stories of negative experiences with Prince Andrew after the court refused to dismiss the sex abuse case against him. Following their revelations, demands are being raised to launch a bullying probe against the Duke of York.

Former royal protection officer Paul Page, who worked for the royals from 1998 until 2004, revealed that he had personally made three separate complaints to the palace regarding Andrew’s behaviour but no action was taken against him. In a conversation with The Sunday Mirror, Page said that he is also aware of “at least a dozen” other complaints that were made by his colleagues about the royal.

“The Palace have a problem because there are instances and evidence of Prince Andrew being overbearing and verbally abusive,” Page said, noting that his complaints were ignored because senior courtiers wanted to avoid agitation.

“Buckingham Palace launched a bullying investigation against Meghan last year after she was accused of wrongdoing. If it’s a fair organisation that looks after its staff, an investigation should be started to confirm whether or not Andrew is guilty of being a bully and of intimidating staff,” he added.

Page recently detailed Andrew’s erratic behaviour in the ITV documentary “Ghislaine, Prince Andrew and the Paedophile.” He claimed that the royal once called his colleague a “fat lardy-ad c” for stopping a woman at the gates who had not been correctly registered as a guest. Even the woman had gone “bright red” at Andrew’s reaction and apologised profusely to the guards.

Page, who also had access to the Duke of York’s private residence, revealed that the royal had a bed with ’50 or 60′ stuffed toys, and maids were given a laminated picture so each bear could carefully be put back in its original position. Charlotte Briggs, a former Buckingham Palace staffer who worked as a maid for Prince Andrew following his divorce from Sarah Ferguson, had also confirmed his obsession with his toys.

“We’d turn down his bed, remove his teddies, do the curtains and lay out his pyjamas. But he was a bad apple and behaved like a spoiled brat,” she said.

Prince Andrew
Britain’s Prince Andrew (pictured January 2020). Photo: AFP / Lindsey Parnaby

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