“Pandora Papers”: Prosecutor in Montenegro initiates preliminary investigations


The Special Prosecutor’s Office in Montenegro has initiated preliminary investigations following the revelations of the “Pandora Papers”.

Podgorica – As a result of the revelations of the « Pandora Papers “Preliminary investigations initiated. The documents also concern the small Balkan country and its President Milo Djukanovic. “The special prosecutor’s office is taking all measures and actions within the scope of its competence that are necessary to clarify the facts of the case,” said the authority on Monday evening in Podgorica. She did not provide any further details.

Hundreds of politicians, officials, company executives and top athletes around the world are said to have used financial service providers for years to hide their assets and valuables. This emerges from documents (“Pandora Papers”) that have been evaluated by international media, including the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, NDR and WDR. The data leaks are said to consist of 11.9 million documents.

The Montenegrin research portal Mans, one of the members of the media alliance, reported on Monday that Djukanovic and his son Blazo were one from 2012 had sizable wealth hidden in a network of mailbox companies. The companies were founded by the two in Great Britain, the British Virgin Islands, Switzerland, Panama and Gibraltar.

Djukanovic, who has dominated politics in Montenegro in various functions for 30 years, is said to have violated the disclosure obligations associated with high government offices. The president acknowledged that he and his son founded the companies named in the report. But no money flows through this, he claimed. Everything happened within the legal framework. (dpa)

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