Parking in Cluj, more expensive than a plane ticket. How much do you pay for two hours, the stake that the Romanians took

Huge prices for a parking lot in Cluj! Drivers have to pay peppered sums for a few hours. Romanians are amazed by the prices in question, even more expensive than a plane ticket these days.

Huge prices for a car park in Cluj: how much can you afford to pay?

Cluj is preferred by many for the beautiful landscapes and harmony of the place, but the high prices make others take a step back. Specifically, in addition to the huge rents, there is an extremely high amount of money next to a parking lot. At the county hospital in Cluj-Napoca, you pay for parking more than the consultation. After hearing this, many Romanians compared the price of the parking lot in question with that of a plane ticket. For example, these days you can go to Rome for only 50 lei and to Milan for only 100 lei. There are also such fantastic scenarios that drive travelers crazy. The management of the County Hospital of Cluj-Napoca has set prices and 7 times higher than the average in the city. A Cluj resident felt on his skin how much inattention costs. He did not pay attention to the calculation of time and left his car in place for 6 hours, which made him take out of his pockets no less than 425 lei. For an hour you end up paying 60 lei, and if you stay the rate increases by 20 lei more. Man: Very much, enormously much, I don’t know why I am like that. 30 minutes 5 lei, it still works.
Man: Extraordinarily big. I’m from Brașov, that’s why I’m in a hurry to fit in these 30 minutes, to go out.
Woman: I don’t even know how to I pay. With card… Do I have so much on the card? Good question. You see, crap that’s here. (Source: )

What is the explanation? Statements by a spokesperson

Flavia Topan, spokesperson for SCJU Cluj-Napoca: The limited space of the inner courtyard certainly fails to cover the needs of parking spaces. Prices are rising precisely to discourage long-term parking and allow for smoother traffic in the yard.
Until the modernization works in the parking lot were completed, the hospital says that the cars were placed very chaotically and thus often prevented the access of ambulances to the hospital unit.

Flavia Topan, spokesperson for SCJU Cluj-Napoca: Visitors and patients’ relatives can park in the public parking lot of the town hall, which is 150-200 meters from the hospital and has 380 places.

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