Parliament to conduct headcount on 2024 Budget

Parliament is expected to conduct a headcount on the approval of the 2024 budget today, November 30, 2023.

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin on Wednesday, November 29, declared a voice vote on the approval of the budget in favour of the majority after the conclusion of the debate.

However, the minority caucus challenged the ruling and opted for a headcount, forcing the majority group to stage a walkout.

The Speaker subsequently suspended sittings and later returned to adjourn proceedings.

However, indications on the order paper of Parliament suggest that the headcount would be conducted today.

The Member of Parliament for Ashaiman, Ernest Norgbey assured of the Minority’s decision to kick against the approval again.

“Well, the same story, we will still kick against the budget. We are ready and poised for the headcount. We are optimistic that all our members will be present today, and we will reject the budget. We are all here but, none of them is available as we speak now.

“There are so many anomalies in the budget, so many taxes we want the government to take away to reduce the burden and sufferings of Ghanaians. Even some of the members of the majority are not in agreement with some of the taxes. We have decided to kick against the budget so that they go and correct the anomalies.” he said.

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