Partnership: 3 signs of the zodiac know no jealousy in the relationship |

Partnership 3 zodiac signs do not know jealousy in the relationship

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For some people, the relationship is characterized by constant jealousy, others do not even seem to know the term. Astrology plays a crucial role here.

How do you actually feel when your partner wants to spend an evening with friends and without you? Do you see him lying in someone else’s arms? Do you allow him to have fun with his buddies without ulterior motives and inner turmoil?

If jealousy is not one of your character traits, it could also be due to your zodiac sign. Three signs of the zodiac only very rarely suffer from jealousy – i.e. that passion that literally seeks with zeal what creates suffering.

Sagittarius – live and let live

As a passionate collector of amorous adventures, jealousy in relationships is a foreign word for Sagittarius. He grants his partner the same freedom that he always claims for himself. And if both agree to forgive one or the other flirt, such a relationship can also work wonderfully. After their adventures, both partners return enriched to their home port to enjoy togetherness with their sweetheart before the next adventure beckons.

It only becomes difficult when the Sagittarius loves someone who is prone to jealousy. In such a case, this zodiac sign often quickly runs away so as not to have to give up the freedom you love.

How to calculate your destiny number, you can see here! © Wochit

Aquarius – against the current

Aquarius, too, generally allow their partner all freedoms. However, this is not because he wants to “buy” permission to flirt outside the home. Rather, the Aquarius is an absolute free spirit who abhors nothing more in relationships than living according to conventional conventions.

So it’s no wonder that this sign of the zodiac never even comes up with the idea of ​​making a jealous scene of your partner because of something trivial. The individualistic nature of Aquarius ensures that he usually finds like-minded people in love, for whom jealousy is also a foreign word. If both allow each other their freedom, a partnership can last for a really long time.

This is what distinguishes Aquarius.

Gemini – no time for jealousy

With Gemini, it’s his versatility that doesn’t leave him any time to deal with annoying secondary battlefields like jealousy. Even if the Gemini lives in a stable partnership, they will not neglect their large circle of friends and will spend at least as much time with them as with their partner. And then there are the numerous hobbies of this zodiac sign, which all want to be cultivated.

No wonder the Gemini doesn’t want to deal with developing jealousy in the relationship as well. He tends to assume that his partner is just as busy as he is. And how should his love be able to engage in an outside affair?

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