Paschalis: The “nail” for Tony Sfinos “Mocks a season”

Paschalis had said on the ERT show “He and the other” about Toni Sfinos:

“What Tony Sfinos presents is his, it does not show the image of the 70 ‘era. Although he is excellent in what he does and he is very successful and people have a good time in his programs, I do not like it because it seems to me that it makes fun of the season “.

Tony Sfinos responded through his personal Facebook account.

Specifically Tony: “On the occasion of what was said on the show “He and the Other” on Et1 I would like to clarify the following:

Dear colleague Paschalis, because it seems that you have not understood exactly what Tonis Sfinos stands for, I can help you.

Tony’s persona is inspired by the era not only of the 60’s and 70’s but also of the 80’s, 90’s and even today. In a way and with a special style, it presents a show that has become unique in Greece. so eccentrically dressed and inspired by great artists and international stars. See Tom Jones, Elvis, David Bowie, Mick Jagger, Rafaela Cara, ABBA, and so many disco bands.

Let’s not forget the Greek cinema where the style of the 60’s era is imprinted on the shirts of Konstantaras (ti30 ti40 ti50), in the pants of Paravas (dude with the tricycle) in Seilinos, in Georgitsi, to Metaxopoulos and even to Exarchakos in Paris (amazing style in Mr. medlar!) And so many others …

I become analytical looking to find where the ridicule you mention lies. I continue: The songs of that time with clear influences mainly from the Italian music industry as you know very well from your personal experience, are re-performed without changes, without musical alteration, nor change of lyrics. We sing the songs like then. The sound has only changed since then we were playing with farces and light amplifiers while now most of them are electronic instruments. But again, we try to be faithful to his sound and his musical playing then, so there is no ridicule here either. To see if in the setting, in the saying, in the character of Tony ??

Sfinos is a cauldron of the time, he dances, laughs, flirts with the girls without insulting them, always tactfully and nicely way, without embarrassing anyone. If you had come back to Gazi in 2012 that you remember so beautifully and I put you on stage with so much force, you would know it !! After we sang your songs, wouldn’t we make you sing them with us? it would be a shame.

Whenever I come to your words, this which I present of course is mine for that very reason I do NOT want to give the image of the 70’s and the pop and rock world culture then. I just borrow her elements, her songs, her outbursts, her pants and shirts to travel to the next decade and from there to the next with an active music band having fun with me, dancing in front of me, with singers and actors.

Unfortunately, friend Paschalis, I will disagree with you and you undoubtedly have every right not to like a result, not to be to your taste. But you do not have the right to say publicly and expose the work not only of me but also of musicians, dancers, singers, costume designers saying that we are ridiculing an era.

Tonis Sfinos brings the songs, the style and fragrance of the decades from the 60’s until today in a pure and accessible way to the audience that has embraced it with love, resulting in your songs and the songs of Jordanelli and Charms, Idols, Tourna, Argyraki, Bigali, Polina, Charitodiplomenou and so many other artists to share them on stage with them and the youth below to know and sing them.

For 12 years I continue with the same passion and passion the concerts and the My appearances and I hope to reach 55 of yours!

As Goethe said: An intelligent man finds almost everything ridiculous, a wise man almost nothing. »!

Watch the excerpt from the show, “Open Weekend”.

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