Pastor accused of 'homophobia' for criticizing LGBT events goes to UK court

O Pastor Keith Waters was forced to quit his job as a caretaker at a primary school in the UK after being accused of homophobia, after he criticized events of the month of LGBT pride. His case was taken to court this week.

The homophobia allegation against Waters, 55, came after his Twitter post on June 1, 2019.

On the occasion, he said: “A reminder that Christians must not support or participate in ‘Pride Month’ LGBTQ events held in June. They promote a culture and encourage activities that are contrary to Christian faith and morals. They are especially harmful to children.”

Waters’ post was labeled on social media as “homophobic” and some parents wrote to Isle of Ely Elementary School in Cambridgeshire to complain.

The pastor appeared in court on Monday (17) in Cambridge, after taking legal action against his former employer, the Active Learning Trust, which runs the school.

Waters resigned three weeks after making the Twitter post and claims he was forced out and subjected to religious discrimination.

Taking your Bible to court

Taking your Bible to court , he explained that his post was an expression of a “Christian point of view” on gay pride month events, as they are “opposed to Christian sexual ethics.”

Waters, pastor of New Connexions Free Church in Ely, explained: o’ not only promotes what we regard as sin; it also encourages people to be proud of that sin.”

The court also heard parents who wrote to the school to complain of Waters’ post as he considered his message “hateful”.

The pastor clarified to the audience: “I have particularly thought about the implications of this post? I do not. The motivation of the post was born out of love. I didn’t talk about pride month. I was talking about the events and things that are reported to happen in those events.”

“I was talking about sexual activity and the promiscuity in public. Whether you are heterosexual or homosexual makes no difference. It’s about nudity,” he continued.

Culture of cancellation

Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Center, said the indictment against Keith Waters is one of a long list of cases in which ordinary people and

“We live in a world where even questioning the LGBTQ agenda can cause serious problems. This is another example of the extent to which LGBTQ advocates are prepared to silence mainstream Christian views,” noted Williams.

She continued: “Despite an abundance of psychological studies concluding that children exposed to sexually explicit content at an early age are more likely to develop disorders and addictions, there are many articles on the internet that encourage parents to take their children to gay charts. Why can’t a Christian pastor talk about such troubling issues without being threatened and losing his job?”

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