Pedro Castillo could face Congress if his cabinet is censored

The Peruvian president, Pedro Castillo, today left unspoken and surprisingly open the possibility of a confrontation with Parliament, whose headline said that the president promised to avoid it, reported Prensa Latina.

The president of Congress, María del Carmen Alva, assured that the president gave his word to a parliamentary delegation last night that he will not appeal to make a question of confidence of the Legislative in the Ministerial Cabinet, if the Legislative censors ( dismisses) the Minister of Labor, Íber Maraví.

‘We agree that the issue of trust and censorship are part of the balance of powers, and are political tools to maintain democratic stability’, Castillo wrote on Twitter after Maraví’s defense plea before the full congress.

The question of trust implies that, if Maraví were censored, with him all the ministers would have to resign and, according to the constitution, if the same outcome is repeated, and The president will be empowered to dissolve Congress and call legislative elections.

Alva warned that if the question of confidence were presented, the president would break his word and Parliament would have to assume its responsibility ‘, which parliamentary sources interpreted as a threat to vacate (dismiss) the president.

Maraví was questioned today and showed evidence against accusations of links with the now almost extinct armed group Sendero Luminoso, invoked for the interrogation.

Maraví responded for an hour and 20 minutes to the interpellative sheet of seven questions posed by the Legislative Assembly and on journalistic versions that collected police accusations from four decades ago, stated that all They were investigated by the Prosecutor’s Office or aired by the Judiciary, which discarded them. The Andean city of Ayacucho, were later denied by witnesses, according to which they were taken away with torture and other pressure.

Regarding the fact that he was the son-in-law of the disappeared Senderista leader Hildebrando Pérez, he clarified that He married the daughter of the elevation many years later and Pérez stopped seeing his relatives when she was eight years old, so neither Maraví nor his family had or have anything to do with him.

The head of Labor denied knowing Arturo Morote, another leader of the armed group and that Edith Lagos, killed in combat in the 1980s, he met when they were both studying high school in the small city of Ayacucho and never had political relationship with her.

He also presented the opinion that annulled the sentence to four years of conditional prison to which he was sentenced in 2004, accused of promoting disorder during a teachers’ strike, as a leader of the Ayacucho teachers union.

Maraví ne He belonged to the Movement for Amnesty and Fundamental Rights (Movadef), of unarmed followers of the Shining Path, said he was the victim of a campaign of lies and pointed out that the indiscriminate accusations were part of the generalized repression of the 80s of the last century.

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