Pele is about to leave the hospital according to his daughter



Posted 29/09/2021 at 22:35 GMT

Pele is about to leave the hospital in Sao Paulo where he has been for a month after having been operated on for a colon tumor, according to one of his daughters. “ Now that he is stronger and will be released from the hospital to continue to recover and treat himself at home, I will also go home “, Kely Nascimento wrote on his Instagram on Wednesday.

Although the release date of the triple champion world is unofficial, a source close to the former player told AFP he would likely be allowed out on Thursday. On the other hand, the Albert Einstein hospital where Pelé is located assured “ that they have no information for the moment ” on a possible release date for the legendary 80-year-old footballer.

The Brazilian was operated on September 4 for a colon tumor, detected during routine examinations. For the time being, neither the doctors, nor Pelé nor his family have communicated on the results of the analyzes carried out on this tumor. The former champion, who turns 81 on October 23, had to spend several days in intensive care, the last time briefly two weeks ago due to breathing problems.

When life imposes a challenge, it’s always easier to face it with a smile “King” Pelé wrote on his Instagram account on Wednesday. Edson Arantes do Nascimento, whose real name is, has suffered from numerous health problems in recent years, especially in 2019, when he was hospitalized in Paris and then transferred to Sao Paulo for kidney stones.

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