Penelope Anastassopoulou: “I am praying and I hope to hear again in a little while”

After her adventure with the coronavirus the Penelope Anastassopoulou she is going through a little trouble as she revealed from a careless movement of hers, she cracked a membrane of her ear as a result of which she cannot hear well.

“Because you ask me about my ear, I cracked a membrane we have here back in the ear. I have started cortisone, I also say a lot of prayers and I hope to hear again in a little while. In any case, when you do laundry do it with love and not with nerves as I did. Do not pray for me… “, said Penelope Anastassopoulou characteristically through her personal Instagram account.


Recently the actress through a shocking revealed the reasons why she cut her hair.

“The coronavirus hit my thyroid and my hair began to fall out. Prices for pelactin went up and the tufts left in my hands. That is why, in order to strengthen my hair, to give strength to the roots, I cut them, so that they can be created again. This is the truth.

And I have not told anyone. This is why I cut my hair. I experienced something very difficult, very strange and I think of those whom the coronavirus found more vulnerable. I get excited when I see Orestes and I know that both he and I went through Covid-19 and now with a text that all the actors would like to play we are touring all over Greece and the world has embraced us.


I spent so much this year. positively, negatively, I’m so confused that I can not manage my emotions. But life is not all joys and festivities, it has many difficult moments but it is also a wheel that turns and brings its gifts. “Like this theatrical performance, the Bridal Bed”, Penelope Anastassopoulou stated characteristically in Enjoy magazine.


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