“People need to be awakened; we are on the way to elections”

Knitted News 15.01.22 22:09 13 Bishvat Tishpav

(Photo: Noam Rabkin Fenton Flash 90)

“Pay attention to trends, we need to wake people up because we are on the way to the elections,” Minister Eli Avidar said in a conversation with activists last weekend.

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According to the report in News 12, Avidar’s remarks were said mainly around the context of the plea deal with Benjamin Netanyahu, but also Following the demand of a number of senior ministers to set up a committee of inquiry into the submarine affair.

According to Avidar:

Eli Avidar (Photo: Spokeswoman)

Avidar also referred, as stated, to the announcement by Foreign Minister Lapid and Defense Minister Ganz that the proposal The establishment of a state commission of inquiry into the submarine and vessel affair will go to the government for a vote.

Meanwhile, senior government officials told Srugim tonight that they estimate that if Netanyahu leaves – the coalition Will fall apart in a few months.

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According to the sources, the government is closely following the events, which are expected to reach a decision in the next two weeks – before the end of the term of Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit at the end of the month. However, everyone agrees on the following matter: No one in the coalition will take any step before it becomes clear who the permanent Likud chairman will replace Netanyahu.

Last night it was reported in News 12 that the State Attorney’s Office believes Former Benjamin Netanyahu has decided to go for a plea deal. According to the report, if the deal is signed – it will happen next week.

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It was further stated that former Supreme Court President Aharon Barak recommended that Mandelblit strive for a plea deal with Netanyahu – without giving up the stigma. In a conversation conducted by Barak, he believed that the public interest in seeing Netanyahu’s legal cases end in a plea bargain over the public interest that they would be clarified in court.

Even in a plea bargain eases the cases and indictments. It is estimated that such a recommendation will assist the High Court, which will be required to approve the transaction.

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