Perdigão Ready-To-Eat Meal Line Is Synonymous with Practicality to Enjoy The Holidays and Enjoy The Rest

Meals that do not need refrigeration and take only 1 minute to heat up, optimize the routine in the period

WEBWIREFriday, January 14, 2022

Perdigão, a BRF brand that has been on the table of Brazilians for over 80 years, reinforces its line of ready meals ??From pantry to table?? as a good option for the vacation period. The selection has four flavors: chicken stroganoff, feijoada, thigh and drumstick with mustard and chicken breast with cassava and are ideal for those looking for practicality.

Tasty and made with quality ingredients, the preparation time of the dishes is approximately one minute and the shelf life is up to 270 days. Before reaching the consumer??s table, the ingredients are cooked and seasoned, undergo a vacuum packaging process and, after being packaged, finish cooking at high temperatures, which guarantees sterilization. The difference lies in the fact that it does not contain preservatives and does not require refrigeration, with the possibility of being stored at room temperature.

Check out options for side dishes to consume along with the ??From the pantry to the table?? line on Recipe Hubof brand. The products can be found in the main retail chains across the country and are also available atMarket At Home, BRF??s e-commerce and in BRF??s model stores in São Paulo and Itajaí/SC, Mercato Sadia.

About Perdigão

Perdigão has been present in consumers?? homes for over eight decades and believes in human relationships to celebrate meals, whether on special occasions or everyday situations. With the ??Comer Junto?? positioning, the brand has democratic options in its portfolio that serve different audiences and consumption occasions, ranging from breakfast, lunch, snacks to dinner.       

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