Personnel purge at the Ljubljana police: director Glavič replaced

It has been obvious for some time that the government is by no means satisfied with the leadership of the Ljubljana Police Administration. The rhetoric against the Ljubljana Police Department has intensified after the police took action at the June protests in the capital, removing ‘anti-protesters’ from the scene and shaking the anger of a small group of people against deputies in front of the National Assembly. After mass protests, which have twice brought clashes between the police and opponents of PCT measures, Janša calls on the Ministry of the Interior to take action, as “the leadership of the Ljubljana police is not capable of prevention”. Thus, the management of the Ljubljana Police Department is being replaced. Boštjan Glavič is leaving, Janez Rupnik is coming.

Janez Rupnik , the current assistant director of the GPU Uniformed Police Administration, will take over the management of the Ljubljana Police Department tomorrow . Proceedings for his appointment began as early as last week. police said. Boštjan Glavič will hold a position at the Police Academy. “Physical assaults, death threats to doctors, journalists, etc. who are merely doing their job; obstructing traffic and violating measures – this is not a constitutional right to assemble. Police leadership in Ljubljana, it is clearly not capable of prevention and it is time for the Ministry of the Interior to take action. “ Thus, the Prime Minister Janez Janša indicated after the middle of the protests that there would be replacements at the top of the Ljubljana police. The Minister of the Interior Aleš Hojs has not hidden for a long time that he has been dissatisfied with the work of Ljubljana police officers in the past . “I personally think that I should have intervened more intensively in the ‘precedence’. It seems that I was right. Obviously some protesters, some simpletons and vandals do not understand nothing but the hard hand of the police, “ said . According to him, the police should prevent the intrusion of protesters on the ring road with greater physical aggression and activity. According to him, the director general is responsible for the work of the police. He emphasized that the police, after listening to journalists and discussions at extraordinary parliamentary sessions convened at the request of the opposition, about police aggression and the police state, were “in a spasm” for almost a year and a half. As he said, he himself advocates a tougher approach and greater police activity in such cases. When the journalists and the opposition decide to do so, the police will also exercise their legal powers with a lighter heart, the Minister is convinced. It should be reminded that three senior employees of the Ljubljana Police Department received warnings before dismissal due to breaches of the employment contract on the basis of expert supervision. The warnings are related to the conduct of the “alternative state celebration”, which took place on June 25 and the events in front of the National Assembly. attacks on MPs. At the end of June and in July, the Director General of the Police Anton Olaj ordered the implementation of two expert inspections of the work of the Ljubljana Police Department, at the same time, he said that doubts and questions had been expressed in public as to whether the Police had really acted impartially in this case. Warnings before dismissal were given to the Director of the Ljubljana Police Administration and the Head of the Uniformed Police Sector and the Head of the Public Order and Peace Department at the Ljubljana Police Administration. According to our information, due to the PCT condition, the police have great difficulties in securing a sufficient number of members of special police units – that is, those who are called up, for example, during protests, as we witnessed yesterday in the capital. As they explained to us, the police do not keep data on vaccinated patients, but they estimate that a good half of the employees in the police meet the PC condition. Today, the Constitutional Court withheld the PC condition in public administration with seven votes in favor and two against.

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