Peru's fixed Internet speed drops regional positions

El 40% de los hogares en Argentina tienen una velocidad promedio que no supera los 6 megas.

40% of households in Argentina have an average speed that does not exceed 6 megabytes.

The Peruvian Consumers and Users Organization ( Opecu ) released the situation of the speed of Internet according to the Ookla ranking, Speedtest Global Index for August. Global Mobile. Although in fixed internet it increased from 55.07 to 56.74 megabits, and in mobile it rose from 24.38 to 25.46 megabits, Peru dropped positions in its position globally. In landline it fell two positions and is ranked 97 out of 140 countries, and in mobile it dropped one place to rank 72 out of 180 countries.

On the other hand, in South America, Peru is ranked 7 out of 12 countries in fixed download speed, while it is in position 5 out of 11 countries on mobile.

“The speeds do not respond to the current imperative needs of optimal connectivity that requires the provision of services in teleworking, education, online health, digital commerce, among others,” said the president of Opecu, Héctor Plate Cánepa. He added that the positions in the ranking show once again that the internet speeds in the country in many years are not ideal and continue to seriously harm users. Therefore, he stated that the Ministry of Transporters and Communications and Osiptel should pronounce on the matter.


In the global fixed average, the fixed download internet speed rose from 107.50 to 110.24 megabits, that is, it rose by 2.74 Mbps or 2.55%.

The country with the fastest fixed internet is Singapore with 262.20 megabits, while Hong Kong advanced with 254.40 Mbps to second place, and Monaco with 242.89 megabit per second fell to third place in fixed speed download.

Regarding mobile worldwide, internet download speed increased from 55.07 to 56.74 megabits, growing by 1.67 megabits or 3.03%.

The highest speed is held by the United Arab Emirates with 195.92 megabits is first place, South Korea with 192.16 Mbps escorts it, and Norway with 173.54 megabit per second is third.


In fixed speed, Chile passed d e 209.45 to 209.83 megabits, growing little at 0.38 Mbps or 0.29% and it is located in ninth place globally, while it continues as a leader in South America, fourth in the OECD and second in the TPP11. Brazil grew by 4.38 megabits to 108.88 Mbps and is second in the region, while Paraguay grew to 72.94 megabits per second and remains third.

Colombia rose by 3.28 megabits o 5% to 68.44 Mbps and maintains the fourth place, ahead of Guyana that grew 0.98 megabit per second or 1.6% to 62.22 megabits maintaining the fifth position, surpassing Uruguay that with 61.23 Mbps remains in sixth place.

Peru is in seventh place ahead of Argentina, which increased by 1.55 megabit per second or 2.8% and is in eighth position. Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela and Suriname with speeds between 14.93 and 37.53 megabits are located in the last four positions.

In mobile speed, Suriname went from 35.92 to 39.54 megabits increasing by 3.62 Mbps or 10 , 1% and remains the leader in South America, while Uruguay rose by 5.03 megabits or 14.8%, advancing from 34.01 to 39.04 Mbps and retains second place, while Brazil with 33.47 megabits remains in third position and Argentina with 20.60 Mbps occupies fourth place.

Peru is fifth, while Bolivia, Chile; Paraguay, Colombia and Venezuela with speeds between 7.41 and 23.17 Mbps are grouped between the seventh and eleventh place.


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