Peter Bogdanovich, who directed wonderful films in the last decades of the last millennium, died at the age of 82

Peter Bogdanovich died at his home in Los Angeles on Thursday morning

Born in Kingston to Bogdanovich, an actor of Serbian descent, he starred in television plays and off-Broadway productions in the 1950s. He made his first low-budget film about an outdated horror star in 1967. Some critics likened his debut to Orson Wellese’s, according to MTI

Cybill with Shepherd, Timothy Bottoms, and Jeff Bridges, who won eight Oscars, won two of his supporting cast. He then did What with You, Doc, with Barbra Streisand and Ryan O’Neal? comedy and then Paper Moon, for which 10-year-old Tatum O’Neal received an Oscar.

These three films and the middle is terribly funny.

But then, after a decade and a half, he struggled with serious privacy crises, but in 1985 he succeeded again with the Mask made with Cher.

In the last stages of his career, he worked mainly in television production as a director and actor. Mafias and Tell the Chubby are here!


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