Peter Dinklage says House of the Dragon shouldn't try to recreate Game of Thrones

Peter Dinklage diz que House of the Dragon não deve tentar recriar Game of Thrones

In an interview with

The Independent

, Peter Dinklage revealed his expectations for House of the Dragon , first series derived from Game of Thrones.

Second him, the new production should not try to recreate the previous one, as this may sound like an entirely financial decision:

“I think the trick is not trying to recreate Game of Thrones. If you try this, it will look like a slot machine. The problem with many sequels is that they are created because the first series made a lot of money. And that’s why they are weaker. But I’m excited to watch House of the Dragon fully as a spectator, not knowing what will happen next.”

The actor also repeated that the fans were upset with the end of Game of Thrones why not wanted the series to end.

Imagem de House of the Dragon
House of the Dragon will show another contest for the Iron Throne

Scheduled for release this year, House of the Dragon will show a period before Game of Thrones , when the Targaryen family started a civil war to decide who would take the Iron Throne.

Showrunner says House of The Dragon will have a different tone Game of Thrones Derived from Game of Thrones, House of The Dragon will show “civil war” of dragons

The new series will also be released on HBO Max , which includes all seasons of the main production.

Imagem de House of the Dragon

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