Péter Márki-Zay: I don't see that I should step back in favor of Gergely Karácsony

According to the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely, he himself would be the best choice against Viktor Orbán, and he agrees with Dobrev on more things than with Christmas. True, you already have a negotiation date with the mayor. 24.hu reached the pre-selection surprise candidate.

We reached Péter Márki-Zay by phone , who briefly told 24.hu about the political situation following the first round of the pre-election. The role of the politician from Hódmezővásárhely has grown by Thursday night because, according to the current position, he will certainly enter the second round of the opposition pre-election competition for prime minister-designate, and the big question is what he is doing now. He did not rule out the possibility of stepping back earlier, although he said this even before we saw the partial results, based on which

  • Péter Márki-Zay 21 percent
  • Christmas to Gregory 28 percent
  • or Klára Dobrev may have a result of around 34 percent in the end.

Earlier, Márki-Zay spoke of joining the Dialogue Group in Parliament, while he said Dobrev’s candidacy for prime minister would be a huge gift to Fidesz because of Gyurcsány’s rejection. As a result, it is assumed that he could now even step back in favor of the mayor, thus putting Christmas in an advantageous position over Dobrev. But according to Márki-Zay, it is no longer clear at all that he should step back here.

I don’t see that I should step back in favor of Christmas

He told 24.hu. This was explained by:

In the second round, I count the votes of Péter Jakab and the votes of the Momentum, and this will give me more support than Gergely Karácsony.

But all this does not mean that he certainly will not step back, but he stressed that “you have conditions and I do not rule out anything.” Negotiation with DK either? – we asked

Nor is it true that Klára Dobrev’s candidacy would be a huge risk for Hungary.

At the same time, he adds that it is not the person of Klára Dobrev who is in trouble, but rather the president of DK, and in fact, Márki-Zay has gone so far as to state:

By the way, I agree with Dobrev on more things than with Christmas.

Such issues are, for example, the issue of accountability, the constitution and the euro, but he added that after the mayor distanced himself from Csaba Tóth he was also more optimistic about the determination of Gergely Karácsony. Nevertheless – another turn – the date of negotiations is so far only with Christmas, but it is already there. Finally, the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely states

I would be for the opposition against the ideal candidate Viktor Orbán and I believe I can win the second round. Fidesz can be defeated in the countryside.

What follows from this is difficult to say at the moment, but it is certain that Péter Márki-Zay’s move in the second round, whether he withdraws or not, will have an impact on the final result. Today, Péter Márki-Zay said on Spirit FM that he had imposed three conditions on Christmas for Gergely in return. These are

  • the earliest possible introduction of the euro;
  • accountability;
  • and the declaration of invalidity of the Basic Law in the public sense

Our previous interview with Péter Márki-Zay can be read here:

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