Philipp Stehler with moving confession: “Almost died”

Ex- “Bachelorette” star Philipp Stehler “Almost died”: He shows a photo of himself with an artificial anus Redaktion from

Philipp Stehler is known from the “Bachelor” universe as a sunny boy. Now he moves his fans deeply with an impressively honest posting.

“My name is Philipp Stehler, I am 33 years old and almost died as a result of a chronic inflammatory bowel disease” – with this statement one of the most moving Instagram postings in a long time begins.

) Philipp Stehler knows fans of the German “ Bachelor ” universe from the formats “ The Bachelorette ” and “Bachelor in Paradise”. In the Sat.1 series “K11 – The New Cases”, the new edition of the cult format “K11 – Commissioners in action”, the former police officer strengthened the team. In the social media he showed himself as a well-trained sun boy and caused a sensation with hot body pics.

Ex-Bachelorette star Philipp Stehler shows himself with a “bag” on his stomach

Now he has posted a completely different picture on Instagram, with two versions of himself: on the left, Philipp, as you know him from TV. Next to it a changed man, with less body mass and less muscles. And with a “bag” on the stomach – an artificial anus. Presenting himself so ruthlessly honestly was not easy for him, as he writes: “It took me some time to post this picture. Almost exactly a year and two weeks. Because on 09/22/2020 I was able to mine artificial anus can be removed again. “

“The artificial anus saved my life”

Since then, says Philipp, he has worked up everything “daily”, from the first symptoms in 2010 to the “fourth and last operation, where the ‘bag’ could be removed from me”. The artificial anus saved his life.

Relentlessly honest, he shares his health problem with his followers. “I suffered from ulcerative colitis for many years …. Don’t be offended if I don’t hide anything until today. An artificial anus was new, unknown, psychologically and physically a burden for me, but above all it saved me my life! “

Fans are touched: “I got goose bumps while reading”

With his posting he also wants to draw attention to the taboo topic. “100,000 people in Germany suffer from chronic intestinal diseases.” He has therefore decided to write a “100% transparent book” with the title “My bowel is not an ass” because “most of them will never talk about it because digestive problems are still strongly taboo.”

His fans are deeply touched: “It’s so strong of you Philipp!”, Writes one. Another commented: “I got goose bumps while reading”.

She is one of the most famous “Bachelor” candidates: Melanie Müller. In the video below we show you how it has changed over the years.

Von der “Bachelor”-Teilnehmerin zum Ballermann-Star: so hat sie sich verändert

© ddp; ddp / Stoccy; Redaktion

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