Philippines adds 14,286 new COVID-19 cases

September 30, 2021 | 4:10pm

People wearing face masks and shields to protect themselves against the COVID-19 coronavirus cross a street in Manila on September 7, 2021

AFP / Ted Aljibe

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Health on Thursday logged 14,286 additional cases of COVID-19, bringing the total number of infections to 2,549,966.

  • Active cases: 138,294 or 5.4% of the total
  • Recoveries: 8,268, pushing total to 2,373,378
  • Deaths: 130, bringing toll to 38,294

Positivity rate was 22%, based on the results of 62,369 people tested on Tuesday. 

“Nationally, we saw a 10% decrease in tests done this week compared to the previous week. Meanwhile, decline is also more evident in NCR with a 14% decrease,” the DOH said. 

“Note as well that the testing output today in NCR is lower than the seven-day moving average of test done in the region,” it added. 

The agency is investigating the decline in testing output. 

More jabs

  • The Philippines on Thursday received 1,233,300 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by US biotech firm Moderna. Of the figure, 863,800 were purchased by the Philippines government, while 369,500 shots were bought by the International Container Terminals Services Inc.
  • A total of 391,950 Pfizer doses arrived on Wednesday evening.
  • Over 21 million people have completed inoculation against COVID-19, while 24 million have received partial protection.
  • Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra said that local governments may pass ordinance compelling residents to get jabbed against COVID-19. But he stressed that a local ordinance mandating vaccination may be also legally challenged.

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