Picturemaxx Enables Automated Image Recognition

MUNICHFeb. 2, 2022PRLogWhen indexing media, picturemaxx customers can take advantage of a new, fully integrated function. The “Visual Recognition Service” complements the methods for describing and reviewing visual content by integrating artificial intelligence and helps to ensure quality standards and save time when preparing images and videos for publication.

Tagging – the addition of text descriptions for photos – is one of the most important success factors in the digital marketing of images. High-quality descriptions and keywords can often only be achieved with a lot of personnel effort. picturemaxx, the world’s largest network of professional providers and users of digital image media, is now supporting agencies with tagging through automated image recognition. The newly developed Visual Recognition Service (VRS) analyzes the media with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) and provides suggestions for recognized image content including probability values.

“With the Visual Recognition Service, artificial intelligence is becoming part of the picturemaxx system. There are many, many possible applications for concrete day-to-day tasks, for example to save time during the initial indexing or to enrich existing data”, says Marcin Czyzewski, CTO of picturemaxx AG. “We are cooperating with four of the current leading providers of AI image recognition services. Many companies could not manage this on their own”, Czyzewski adds.

Especially media providers who tag large quantities of images can save time by using the VRS when preparing their media for publication. Even particularly complex processes, such as recording information like numbers of people or their ages, can be supported. In addition, it is possible to restrict the selection of words or enable the use of common words. If the tagging is improved overall, the media can be found more easily with a classic keyword search. Media that have not been previously tagged can only be found using keywords. Even when assigning categories, for example when preparing media for the media filters in the web shop and at my-picturemaxx, work steps can be automated or standardized with the VRS.

The new service is available for images that are stored directly at picturemaxx. It is being launched in cooperation with the leading service providers for image recognition using artificial intelligence: Amazon, Clarifai, Google and Microsoft. As a result, a wide variety of topics can be selected in the VRS and combined as desired. This includes, for example, general image content, objects, personal information such as number, age, emotions and ethnicities. Color recognition, food, brand or text recognition are also included.

All functions of the VRS are already optionally available to customers in the picturemaxx system and can be configured there independently. It is easy to use due to its integration into familiar workflows. Costs are only incurred on a usage-based basis per executed feature per image and can be viewed transparently and easily calculated at any time. In February of this year, the relevant picturemaxx customers will also have a free test budget at their disposal.

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