Piura Region pays tribute to Miguel Grau and commemorates Angamos combat

With ceremonies and displays of seafaring, the authorities of the Piura region and the Peruvian Navy commemorated the 142nd anniversary of the Angamos combat and paid tribute to the Peruvian of the Millennium, Miguel Grau Seminario.

The day before the Navy recalled that combat in the context of the war with Chile. At the Paita Naval Station – Miguel Grau’s homeland – a group made up of superior, junior and naval family from the different dependencies participated in a demonstration of seafaring on the port boardwalk .

The presentation caused great emotion and delight among the authorities and the audience, who to the sound of music accompanied the numbers with clapping hands , among which “Niña Bonita”, “San Miguel de Piura” and “Señorita Marinera” stood out.

In the city of Piura there were another demonstration of marinera dances, which was accompanied by the band of musicians from the First Naval Zone. The personnel of the Paita Naval Station, led by the captain Juan Necochea Cueva, offered a show that was the delight of the public.


The municipality de Paita and the Peruvian Navy today paid tribute to the Peruvian of the Millennium, Miguel Grau, commemorating the bicentennial of the creation of the Peruvian Navy and the 142nd anniversary of the combat of Angamos.

The mayor of Paita, Enrique Silva Zapata, and the head of the Naval Station Administration office, captain of the frigate Iván Sarmiento Arboleda, placed flower arrangements in honor of the Knight of the Seas. The president of the National Pro Marine Association of Peru, Juan Manuel, did the same. Benites.

The city of eternal heat was no stranger to commemorative events. A solemn session was held at the front of the Piura commune in which the main authorities of the region participated.

In the oval Grau, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Piura, Monsignor José Antonio Eguren Anselmi, delivered a patriotic prayer as part of the ceremony.

More in Andina:

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