PlayStation announces next generation of VR glasses

© Playstation


PS VR 2 is said to come with 4K resolution. A VR offshoot of Horizon Zero is also to come.

Sony has confirmed after many rumors that a PlayStation VR successor is being worked on. It was already known that a new headset is in the works, now the first details about PS VR2 communicated.

The resolution of the

OLED display gets a significant upgrade. From 1,920 x 1,080 pixels on the first PSVR headset, it has been downgraded to 2,000 x 2,040 pixels per eye increased. PS VR2 offers 4K HDR . The field of view will be 110 degrees indicated. The frame rate should be between 90 and 120 Hz amount. Eye Tracking

The Controller should be tracked with the headset itself, not with an external camera. This “Inside-Out Tracking” function is intended to reflect movements and viewing directions in the game. For this are 4 cameras installed in the headset.

In addition, a Eye tracker integrated. This should allow you to unlock certain functions simply with your eyes. This should make games more immersive. So-called Foveated Rendering also ensures that the points where you can see the sharpest with the eye movement hike.

Vibrating Headset

Special attention is paid to the new PS VR2 Sense Technology placed. Here Eye Tracking, Headset Feedback, 3D Audio

and the new Sense Controllers combined. With a motor in the headset Actions in the game are played via vibrations amplified, it says in a blog post. This could be used to simulate the increased heart rate of a character, the thrust when accelerating or a draft.

PS VR2 is charged via a

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