PLC, double-digit growth in revenues as of June 30th

(Teleborsa) – The consolidated income statement at 30 June 2021 of PLC shows revenues total for 31,874 thousand, an increase of 30.5% compared to the same period of the previous year; a gross operating margin (EBITDA) equal to 3,446 thousand and a total result equal which stands at 1,551 thousand.

The net financial position of the PLC Group at 30 June 2021 it is negative for Euro 366 thousand (positive for Euro 596 thousand net of the recognition of financial payables recognized in application of IFRS 16) and records a positive change of Euro 3,854 thousand.

Guidance 2021
Overall, the guidance for the year I with an expected gross operating margin (EBITDA) of approximately 9 million euros


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