Podcast: Participation in administrative proceedings is not eco-terrorism, says the head of Children of the Earth Miroslav Patrik

Patrik: Austria can be a model for us. They build fast and can build a highway so that you can hardly see it in nature.

We invited the chairman of the association Země Země Miroslav Patrik to the microphone of the next part of the podcast Cesta Zdopravy.cz. In the Club for Sustainable Transport, he deals with the issue of transport in relation to the environment and, together with the Children of the Earth, is behind a number of appeals and lawsuits against constructions in road, rail and water transport.

Miroslav Patrik, Chairman of the Children of the Earth
Author: Children of the Earth

One of the most watched and also the longest discussed motorway sections is the missing ten-kilometer part of the D1 motorway around Přerov. In the podcast, Miroslav Patrik explains why the Children of the Earth with other associations are so active in this case: “It seemed strange to us why the designer hit the barracks, when there was a 400 meter wide corridor. If in 2000 the ŘSD or Přerov assessed the variant outside Dluhonice in the EIA process and postponed the route by 150 meters, it might have been possible to drive along that motorway as well, ” says Miroslav Patrik in the new work of the podcast and explains what, according to him, the state should do differently in the preparation of line constructions, so that the construction proceedings run smoothly.

Earth? How has the association changed since 1989? How many members does it have and who finances its activities? How do the Children of the Earth choose projects that they will start to devote intensively to and actively participate in as part of the discussion? How does Miroslav Patrik remember the time when he was an adviser to the Minister of Transport? What do you think about how high-speed lines are being discussed in the Czech Republic? Why are the Children of the Earth against the relocation of Brno’s main railway station or against the constructions that the state is preparing for navigating the Elbe? We also discuss other topics in the podcast. In the end, there were also questions from the readers of the daily Zdopravy.cz

You can find the new part directly here on the page, you can also subscribe to it on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts and Podcast addict.

Tags Children of the Earth ecology Miroslav Patrik podcast Cesty Zdopravy.cz list


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