Police Call Two Burned in Elelim, Allegedly Done by a Group of People

Polisi Sebut Dua Terbakar di Elelim, Diduga Dilakukan Sekelompok OrangPolice line. ©2021 Merdeka.com/bram salam

Merdeka.com – A group of people are suspected of setting fire to Elelim. There were two that were devoured by the red rooster. This incident occurred ahead of the re-voting (PSU) in Yalimo Regency, Papua.

“It is true that there were cases of burning two houses, each of which had four doors,” said the Yalimo Police Chief, AKBP Hesman Napitupulu. This was quoted from Antara, Saturday (22/1).

This arson case is still under investigation. He only confirmed that there were no fatalities in the incident and that most houses burned down because they were made of wood. and deputy regent, namely candidate pair number 01 Lakius Peyon-Nahum Mabel and candidate pair 02 Nahor Nekwek-John Wilil. two houses with four doors each located in the Yalimo Regional Government Housing Area in Elelim.

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