Police dissolve four-woman blockade in Zurich after a few minutes

Four activists from “Extinction Rebellion” opened another street in Zurich on Thursday afternoon blocked. The police carried the women away after a few minutes and broke the blockade.

Three of the women who reached the intersection of Uraniastrasse and Bahnhofstrasse at around 1:15 p.m. sat, carried signs that read in different languages: “Arrested because I’m worried”. The police had already marked presence in advance between the main train station and the intersection and also carried out personal checks, as an on-site inspection showed.

The police will get the activists off the street in no time

In the morning, Extinction Rebellion announced that they had run out of material. In the past three days, the Zurich City Police have confiscated most of their banners and also the wooden scaffolding for road blockades. as the activists announced. The road blockade was therefore only available in a mini version.

On Monday and Tuesday, the activists, most of them from western Switzerland, had several each Roads blocked in downtown Zurich. On Wednesday, the city police no longer let the climate protectors out of the main train station into the city. This prevented a new blockage. (sda)


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