Police officers deliberately driven at on Graven Hill

Officers are 'lucky to be alive' after they were deliberately driven at by thugs

Officers are ‘lucky to be alive’ after they were deliberately driven at by thugs

TWO police officers are ‘lucky to be alive’ after they were deliberately driven at. 

Police are now desperately hunting for the thugs involved.

The incident happened in Graven Hill Road, Bicester, on Friday evening at around 4.30pm. 

Police officers attempted to stop two vehicles travelling in convoy – one stolen dark blue VW Golf R and a bluey silver coloured Seat Altera. 

The VW had its hazards on and was being pushed from behind by the Seat. 

As police went to stop them, two yobs got out from the VW and one of them jumped into the Seat – which had the vehicle registration DY05 ORJ. 

The Seat was then separately deliberately driven at two police officers – who managed to jump out of the way. 

It went on a dramatic chase through Bicester going through multiple red lights along the A41 towards Aylesbury. 

The second offender had ran away towards the Graven Hill estate, specifically Westacott Road and Roberts Drive. 

The Golf was recovered. 

The force is now investigating a number of offences in connection with the incident: assault of a police constable, dangerous driving and theft of a motor vehicle. 

Nobody has been arrested. 

Investigating officer, PC Rachael McCreadie of the Incident and Crime Response team, said: “This was a serious incident and it was lucky that the two police officers who were deliberately driven at were not serious injured or killed.

“I am appealing to any residents, motorists or pedestrians to check their mobile phones, dash cams and home CCTV to see if they have footage of the vehicles, suspicious persons in the area or the incident and to contact the force as soon as possible.

“The easiest way to contact the force is by calling 101 or visiting our website, quoting investigation reference number 43220009070.”

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