Police prevent femicide by catching a man trying to stab his ex-wife

The suspect denied the allegations that he tried on his ex-wife’s life and that he went to the scene only to get her clothes.
Friday, October 1, 2021 – 18:01

A garrison of the Military Police of the 5th battalion commanded by Sergeant Santos, assisted by the Police, Corporal Sampaio and PM Uilian, arrested a 30-year-old man on Friday afternoon (01). be caught trying to stab his ex-wife, a 43-year-old woman, in a residence, located at Rua Lago Grande, Bairro Ronaldo Aragão, east side of Porto Velho.

According to information, the police were doing routine patrols in the region, when they came across the victim running and screaming for help and she was soon approached. Asked why she is nervous, she said that she was working when her ex-husband called for her to open the door of the house, as he wanted to get her belongings. As soon as she arrived, he was already in the house, armed with three knifes and telling her that she was supposed to get witnesses that she didn’t pass today. He then ran after her, at which time she desperately ran to save herself.

The police did the siege and were informed that he had climbed over the wall of a neighboring resident. Then the suspect called asking where she was and the victim said he was at her house, he quickly returned and was surprised by the police. The led then dropped the knives on the floor and was handcuffed.

The suspect denied the charges that he tried to kill from his ex-wife and who went to the place just to get his clothes. He also said that she was making up stories to harm him. In light of the facts, he was arrested and taken to the center of flagrantes.

Fonte – 20 – News Rondônia

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