Polish bishops in the Vatican. The first day of talking about marriage, family and young people

Polish bishops, as part of the Ad Limina Apostolorum visit, visited the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life and the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization on Monday. One of the topics of the talks was the situation of marriages, families and young people – informed Bishop Jan Wątroba. The audience with Pope Francis for the first group of Polish bishops is scheduled for Friday

The visit of the first group of Polish bishops began on Monday morning Mass. in the Vatican basilica, celebrated at the tomb of St. Peter the Apostle. The liturgy was presided over by the Bishop of Sandomierz, Krzysztof Nitkiewicz.

Visit every five years

During Monday’s briefing in Rome, Archbishop Stanisław Budzik of Lublin said that “every five years each diocese is obliged to pay a visit to the Holy See, which is preceded by intensive work in the diocese “.

He explained that a detailed report on diocesan life was sent beforehand, on its various dimensions: pastoral ministry and evangelization.

“Texts sent to the Vatican are also sent to specific congregations and institutions we visit. Thus, their presidents are already prepared, they know the situation of the Church in Poland in a given field “- informed the hierarch in a release from the press office of the Polish episcopate.

” The report in Italian reached the dicastery already in July this year and has been studied by its employees in “- the Rzeszów ordinary bishop Jan Wątroba informed.

Archbishop Budzik also noted that the visit was also a pilgrimage, in which the there is a visit to the tomb of St. Peter. It is also a pilgrimage “to the apostolic thresholds, that is, we pay a visit to the Holy Father” – he pointed out.

He said that this is the second visit Ad Limina Apostolorum of the Church in Poland with Pope Francis. He explained that previous meetings with popes had lasted 15-20 minutes. “Pope Francis takes a larger group of bishops, but talks with them longer, about an hour and a half. At least that was the case before,” he added.

Visits to Vatican Dicasteries

Every day of their visit, bishops visit Vatican dicasteries. On the first day, the bishops visited the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life and the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization.

“I presented pastoral issues families in Poland, also crisis situations, which are experienced by marriages, families, young people “- said Bishop Wątroba.

He informed that the current topic was there was also a synod of bishops that will begin in the Vatican on October 9-10. “The undersecretary of the dicastery reminded that the newness of the synod is that it is to be a synod of dialogue, conversation, listening, but also the formation of the laity.”

Referring to the meeting with the representatives of the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization, Bishop Wątroba said that its president, Archbishop Rino Fisichella, discussed topics related to the broadly understood issue of evangelization, incl. with the ministry of catechist.

Audience with the Pope on Friday

The audience with Pope Francis for the first group of Polish bishops is scheduled for Friday, October 8 in the morning. According to reports published in the media in May, the bishops were summoned “as a matter of urgency”, and the summons itself resulted from a large number of complaints against Polish hierarchs.

Polish bishops will pay the Pope a visit to the Vatican VATICAN MEDIA

Every morning, except Friday, the bishops will celebrate the Holy Masses. in subsequent Roman basilicas: on Tuesday in St. John in Lateran, and on Wednesday in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. On Thursday morning, the bishops will join the Holy Mass celebrated every week. at. 7:10 at the tomb of St. John Paul II. In turn, on Friday afternoon, the bishops will celebrate the Eucharist at the end of their visit to the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls.

By the end of October, four groups of bishops from Poland will visit the Holy See.

Author: mart


Main photo source: shutterstock

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