Political heat simmers at Puttaparthi | YSRCP, TDP leaders challenge each other to prove allegations

Former Puttaparthi MLA and TDP leader Palle Raghunatha Reddy climbing down his house to avoid house arrest and come to Satthemma Temple in Puttaparthi for holding a dharna on Saturday.

Former Puttaparthi MLA and TDP leader Palle Raghunatha Reddy climbing down his house to avoid house arrest and come to Satthemma Temple in Puttaparthi for holding a dharna on Saturday.| Photo Credit:

Telugu Desam Party (TDP) national general secretary Nara Lokesh’s allegations of corruption against sitting Puttaparthi YSRCP MLA Duddukunta Sridhar Reddy ignited a political controversy in the constituency with leaders from both the parties challenging each other to prove the allegations. The issue took a violent turn on Saturday 1 with both Mr. Sridhar Reddy and former TDP MLA Palle Raghunath Reddy agreeing to meet at Satthemma Temple in the town to sort it out.

Mr. Sridhar Reddy came to the temple around 10 a.m. and after darshan came out of the temple to wait for the former Minister and whip Palle Raghunath Reddy, but the Sri Sathya Sai District police placed Mr. Raghunath Reddy under house arrest. Despite tight security, the TDP leader, with the support of his followers, climbed on to the top floor of his building and jumped on to the neighbouring roof and made his way to the Satthemma Temple and sat on the road.

At this juncture, followers of both the leaders began hurling slippers and coconut shells at each other. There were no reports of severe injuries to anyone, but the police had a tough time to bring the situation under control. A police vehicle was damaged in the melee. The police ironically only arrested Mr. Raghunath Reddy and whisked him away from the spot, leaving the YSRC MLA.

Telugu Desam Party workers sat on a dharna in front of the police station protesting against the arrest of Mr. Raghunatha Reddy. Both parties took out rallies in the town to prove their view point on the sensational comments made by Mr. Nara Lokesh on the development of the Puttaparthi constituency.

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