She is the leading Greek Marathon Runner of all time. Maria Polyzou is the woman who has made Greece proud countless times. But her life was not easy. Behind the successes hid for years a staff of Golgotha. The physical and sexual abuse by her father.
“That is how I was finally given life. Not only to run the 42,195 meters, not only to finish the breast cancer I went through, but most of all to be able to emerge victorious from the biggest battle I gave. With the abuse “, said Maria Polyzou.

In the book entitled “Do not give up” a message for all children makes a soul deposit.
“I was born in Patra my father was a fisherman, he worked hard but he was very poor. My father was fierce in appearance and manners. He was not tall, rather of medium height. He had dark skin and in the summer he tanned more due to work. He had black hair and a beard that made him even scarier. He drank and, when drunk, became violent. He was hitting us and we were all shaking. He raped me from the age of 11-12 “.
” Lifebuoy “running
The run helped her escape the personal torment she had experienced for years by her own father.
“With the sport of life, my dreams and goals, I managed to get out of the darkness and move to the position where I wanted to put myself.”
In 1996 she became the first Greek woman to compete in the Marathon at the Olympic Games in Atlanta. Then she entered the field holding the Greek flag.
In 2010 she was the first woman from antiquity to revive the Feidippideo feat. He ran the 524 km route (Athens – Sparta – Athens Marathon Tomb) on the anniversary of 2.5 thousand years since the Battle of Marathon.
In 2019 he was diagnosed with breast cancer and won. Even in chemotherapy he went with a smile.
“I liked to escape to my own world. I was making the beauty I needed inside me. “Subconsciously, perhaps, from a very young age, I tried not to be completely where my body was, but to wander where my mind and soul led me”, she writes in her book, among others.

He never let anything bend her. Neither the pain of her soul, nor the pain of cancer. She opens her heart to help all the children who are afraid to speak.
Maria Polyzou did not give up and asks every child to pursue his dreams even when he starts his life in the most difficult conditions.
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