Porto Velho's cattle herd is the fourth largest in the country, says IBGE; Jaru is 35th

Porto Velho is the fourth municipality of the Brazil with the largest cattle herd and the first in Rondônia, according to the Municipal Livestock Survey (PPM) carried out in 2020 by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).

In the capital alone there are 1.2 million heads of cattle. The largest herd in the country is in São Félix do Xingu (PA) with more than 2.3 million heads.

Dos 100 Brazilian municipalities with the largest herds, 16 are in Rondônia. In addition to the capital, they also entered the ranking:

    14th place: Nova Mamoré – 769 thousand heads;
    35th place: Jaru – 526 thousand;

38th place: Buritis – 520 thousand; 42nd place: Ariquemes – 499 thousand; 51st place: Alta Floresta d’Oeste – 460 thousand;

54th place: São Francisco do Guaporé – 453 thousand; 59th place: Campo Novo de Rondônia – 437 thousand; 60th place: Cacoal – 427 thousand; 65th place: Machadinho d’ West – 407 thousand; 71st place: Ji-Paraná – 393 thousand; 73rd place: Espigão d’Oeste – 386 thousand; 91st place: Chupinguaia – 357 thousand;

    92nd place: Ouro Preto do Oeste – 356 thousand;

94th l place: Presidente Médici – 349 thousand; 97th place: Alto Paraíso – 342 thousand.

  • Rondônia is the sixth state with the largest number of oxen, having 14.8 million head. In first place is Mato Grosso, with over 37.8 million, and in last place is Amapá, with only 54 thousand cattle.

    Still according to the survey, the swine herd is decreasing in the state over the years. In 2016 Rondônia had about 224,000 heads. In 2020, the number reduced to 163 thousand, with the largest herds being in Porto Velho (7,408 heads); Cacoal (6,795 heads); and Machadinho d’Oeste (5,948 heads).

    As for chickens, Rondônia has approximately 3 million animals, one of the smallest numbers in the country, just ahead of Acre ( 2 million), Roraima (676 thousand) and Amapá (84 thousand).

    The largest producer of chickens in the state is Cacoal, with 381,000 units, ahead of Porto Velho, with 373 thousand, and Vilhena, with 342 thousand.

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