Post-Brexit: London grants only 12 fishing licenses, an “inadmissible” decision for the French state

France accused Britain on Wednesday of playing politics with the fishing rights negotiated as part of the post-Brexit deal.

It is difficult for the pill to pass. London having granted French boats only 12 licenses to access its waters out of the 47 claimed by Paris. The French government has stepped up to the plate. The UK said it was open to further discussion of the rejected licenses, but it believes that the operators of the failed vessels have failed to provide evidence that they were fishing in its waters before Brexit, a necessary condition for continue to practice within the 6-12 nautical mile zone, corresponding to British territorial waters. “Our approach has been reasonable and fully in line with our commitments in the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (CCA),” said a spokesperson for the British government, referring to the free trade agreement concluded between the Great -Brittany and the European Union. Annick Girardin, French Minister for the Sea, for her part believes that Great Britain does not respect the Brexit agreement.
“This is another refusal from the British to implement the conditions of the Brexit deal despite all the work undertaken together, “she said in a statement. “We ask the (European) Commission to put in place the retaliatory measures that are in the agreement.

France is giving itself 15 days to prepare possible retaliatory measures

“French fishing should not be taken hostage by the British for political ends,” she added. The Minister specifies that the British government has issued a total of only 100 licenses out of the 175 requested by France. London, for its part, says it has granted fishing licenses to nearly 1,700 vessels in the 12-200 nautical mile zone and 105 other licenses for vessels operating in the 6 to 12 nautical mile zone in support of evidence of ” prior practice. The Anglo-Norman island of Jersey, in the English Channel, for its part said on Wednesday that it had notified the European Union of French vessels that will benefit from a fishing license under the post-Brexit agreements. Jersey adds that the provisional agreements on the case will end within 30 days and that it will issue 64 additional fishing licenses and 31 temporary licenses, while 75 vessels will be denied access to its waters. On leaving the Council of Ministers, Gabriel Attal, government spokesman said the UK’s decisions were “unacceptable, inadmissible and contravening the Brexit deal”. France is giving itself 15 days to prepare possible retaliatory measures against Great Britain, at French and European levels, over the conditions imposed by London on the granting of fishing rights in its waters, the minister said on Wednesday. French Sea.

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