Prefecture reduced to corona alert level 3 Traffic to and from outside the prefecture “carefully”

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On the 30th, Akita Prefecture lowered the infection alert level of the new coronavirus from “4 (request)” to “3 (request for cooperation)”. It is the first time in 50 days that the alert level is 3. As the number of infected people is decreasing inside and outside the prefecture, some requests for self-restraint from the citizens of the prefecture have been eased. Traffic to and from outside the prefecture will be tolerated on the condition that thorough infection control measures be taken, and careful judgment will be encouraged based on the infection status of the visited destination. The dinner that has been asked to avoid a large number of people does not limit the number of people, and calls for a mask dinner with people who are usually with them, such as family members and colleagues at work.

It was decided at the meeting of the New Corona Countermeasures Headquarters. The relaxation of the request for self-restraint is aimed at resuming the social life and economic activities of the citizens of the prefecture. Based on the government’s complete cancellation of the state of emergency and the progress of vaccination, it was judged that it would be compatible with infection control. When the infection spreads again, it will consider strengthening the request.

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