Presco Plc reaches new All-Time-High, gains N3.25 billion in market value

After four (4) consecutive trading days, Presco Plc share price broke its 52-wk high record to close at N80.25kb per share.

At the end of yesterday’s trading session, Presco Plc recorded a gain of 4.22% which can be attributed to investors’ positive sentiment in the shares of the company which induced a gain of N3.25 billion in market capitalization at the close of trading activities on the Nigerian Stock Exchange.

The shares of the consumer goods company appreciated from N77.00 per share at the start of the trading day, to N80.25 per share, the highest traded price at the close of the market, representing a growth of 4.22% which in monetary terms is N3.25.

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Stock performance summary

The buy-interests witnessed in the shares of Presco Plc positively influenced the company’s market capitalization from N77 billion, the previous trading day, to N80.25 billion at the end of the day’s trading activities, taking the appreciation to N3.25 billion.

The shares of Presco Plc have advanced by 13.11% from year-to-date, starting the year at N70.95 and currently trading at N80.25. However, the shares of the company have returned about 45.91% gains for investors who bought them at their 52-week low trading price of N55.00 per share.

During yesterday’s trading hours, 322,551 ordinary shares of Presco Plc worth about N25.38 million, were exchanged in 119 executed deals.

In comparison, the shares of Okomu Oil Plc advanced by 2.55% from N110.00 to close at N112.80 at the end of the trading session.

What you should know

At the end of daily trading activities, the NGX All-Share Index and Market capitalization appreciated by 1.59% from the previous trading day, to close at 40,221.17 index points and N20.96 trillion respectively.

The NGX Consumer Goods Index, however, declined by 0.13% to close the day at 567.17 from 597.89 index points.


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