Priests engaged in pedophile cases in the Vatican

Troskongregationen i Vatikanen. Arkivbild.Troskongregationen i Vatikanen. Arkivbild.
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in the Vatican. Stock Photography. Photo: Alessandra Tarantino

Two priests have been acquitted in a trial of child sexual abuse in the Vatican. The process is unique in that it is the first time a criminal case of sexual abuse committed in the papal microstate has been tried in court. The main accused, a priest who is now in his upper 20s, is acquitted of accusations of having raped a younger boy when they were both choir boys, between 2007 and 2012. Another priest stood charged with protecting the suspected perpetrator.

a report by an independent commission in France, which states that priests, deacons and others affiliated with the Catholic Church in the country have raped 300,000 children since the 1950s.


Published: 06 October 2021 at 14.22

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