Prof. Vitanov: The new antiCovid plan is on my calculations, the Apocalypse is not canceled

Part of the new National Operational Plan to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic is based on my calculations. This was admitted by the mathematician Prof. Nikolay Vitanov in the program “Panorama” on BNT.

“I have been in this” business “for almost 2 years. I have worked wonderfully with the National Operational Headquarters, I know that Prof. Mutafchiiski , Prof. Angelov, Prof. Kantardjiev and Prof. Baltov are excellent medical specialists. I have not had any problems with Prime Minister Borissov. A multifactor analysis must be done. The indicator will not only be intensive beds, one of them is morbidity. An important factor is medical We may have many beds, but if we do not have doctors and nurses, what if we have them, “he explained.

The mathematician clarified that when a few days ago in his next forecast for the development of the pandemic in our country He said that “the apocalypse is being postponed”, he meant exactly that, not that it is being canceled.

“It is being postponed because the whole week the basic reproductive number is below 1.3. spread of the infection, which is very common only in some areas of Bulgaria “, explained Vitanov.

“I see what the mortality rate is – 75-80 people a day, so if it was just Omicron, it should have been a little lower – 55-65, which shows that Omicron is not yet dominant. and we also have impurities from the Delta variant. Because mortality is falling, the boar is running through alfalfa, but in big leaps without crushing it at all, “added the professor.

He thanked the haters for making his nerves so iron that now

Meanwhile, the Smolyan Regional Health Inspectorate has issued an order for stricter anti-epidemic measures, as the district is in the dark red zone. , discos on the territory of the whole district. Mass events such as festivals, fairs, folklore and other events are also prohibited.

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