Professor Layton and the New World of Steam sets 2025 release window, shows off puzzle

Professor Layton and the New World of Steam

Earlier today we got an update on a bunch of Level-5 games during a livestream, including the next entry in the Professor Layton series. Professor Layton and the New World of Steam hits Nintendo Switch sometime in 2025, and a you can watch as Layton and Luke work out a puzzle in the latest trailer. 

As shown in the preview, Yo Oizumi is back leading the Japanese cast as Layton, with Mio Imada now voicing Luke Triton. Maki Horikita previously voiced Luke prior to retiring from the entertainment industry back in 2017 to focus on her family.

The sample brainteaser has Layton and Luke attempting to find the entrance to the workshop of a genius inventor named Eggmuffin. Frankly, not working “Eggmuffin” somewhere into the title is the pinnacle of burying the lede. Eggmuffin’s workshop is but one quirky building amidst the wider world of Steam Bison, an American town that advances as you continue to find and solve puzzles.

It’s been a while since Layton and Luke went on a proper adventure together. At this point Luke has made somewhat of a name for himself as a detective, while puzzle master Layton continues working as Professor of Archeology at Gressenheller University. Their latest outing is officially underway when a “mysterious incident” occurs in Steam Bison. I’m just tickled at the way Steam Bison works as both a really cool town name and a scrapped Mega Man X boss. 

I’m already stumped

This time around, puzzle design duties fall to famed Japanese puzzle design team QuizKnock. As the official Layton site notes, the team that Takuji Izawa runs specializes in combining entertainment with knowledge. As of right now they have over 2 million subscribers to their YouTube channel. We’ll have to wait until 2025 to see just how thoroughly they can twist our noggins like the pliable pretzels they are. 

Joseph Luster

Joseph has been writing about games, anime, and movies for over 20 years and loves thinking about instruction manuals, discovering obscure platformers, and dreaming up a world where he actually has space (and time) for a retro game collection.

More Stories by Joseph Luster

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