Project Zomboid: What are the best positive traits?

Although accessible to everyone, Project Zomboid offers a rather difficult experience during the first hours of the game and you will have to die, again and again, in order to tame as well as possible these zombies and this very punitive universe. From the start of the game, you will be able to choose a profession and traits, in order to determine which human being you are, more or less. Since the list is quite long, it can be particularly tedious to go through all of these characteristics to find the most interesting trait. That’s why we offer you a small, non-exhaustive list of the best traits in Project Zomboid .

The best traits to choose from in Project Zomboid

Before going any further, know that your character cannot have a positive or negative point balance. You will have to reach a perfect zero and therefore choose positive traits, or negative if you are in the red, as certain professions require it, like the police officer. Also note that the order below is not indicative.


  • Cost in points: -2
    • Rest is essential in Project Zomboid, especially since some activities are tiring (like being chased by a horde). Sleeping takes time and makes you vulnerable, but the Awakened trait will allow you to rest a little less and devote that time to other tasks.


  • Cost in points: -2
    • Probably one of the best investments you can make in as a beginner. This trait allows you to recover the objects that you find more quickly and therefore to limit each interaction with the environment.


    Cost in points: -4

    • This trait allows you to panic less quickly, a real advantage at the start of the game, since your character will be less subject to fear when he crosses paths with his first living dead. One of the preferred traits for new players, especially since when fighting your chance to hit enemies while panicking drops by 10%.


  • Cost in points: -4
    • Here too, we are dealing a feature which remains very interesting, without having a huge cost. By selecting Lucky, you should normally get your hands on rarer and more useful items, to help you survive.


  • Cost in points : -6
    • Healing is very important, not to become weaker very quickly. If you will be able to make first aid bandages, it is essential to have real care available. This trait will allow you to get your hands on herbal remedies for medicine.

    project_zomboid_trait )


  • Cost in points: -6
    • You will notice it very quickly, your inventory is quite small, and you will not be able to transport everything. Thanks to this trait, your base inventory will be a little bigger and the bags you find will also be. An excellent trait for those who cannot make concessions on the objects they come across.

Strong or Sporty

  • Cost in points : -10
    • Finally, for those who are not afraid to fill their bar of lines negative, you can opt for one of these two traits, making you more powerful and, optionally, more enduring or able to carry more items.

There are of course other interesting positive traits, which you can freely experience. You can also try a few combinations, the goal also being that each part is unique. But if you’re a beginner, or don’t know what to choose, some of these traits could get you started.

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