Protective mask, mandatory on Friday in all public spaces in Bucharest. What are the exceptions

The Bucharest Municipality Committee for Emergency Situations established, on Thursday evening, that the protective mask becomes mandatory in all public spaces, closed or open, starting from Friday, from midnight. The authorities have also submitted the exceptions to this rule, in accordance with the information provided by the Ministry of the Interior.

„The Bucharest Municipality Committee for Emergency Situations, convened on Thursday evening, in an extraordinary meeting, by using electronic means of communication, finds that at the level of Bucharest Municipality the cumulative incidence rate at 14 days, on 07.10.2021, time 10.03 is of 11.49 / 1000 inhabitants, fact for which, starting with 08.10.2021 at 00:00, the obligation to wear a protective mask in all closed and open public spaces is established ”, transmitted, on Thursday evening, the Bucharest Prefecture.

The institution shall also specify the exceptions to the rules for wearing a mask:

In closed public spaces are excluded persons who fall into one of the following situations:

– the employee who is sin

– the person suffering from diseases that affect the ability to oxygenate, based on a risk assessment performed by the doctor of occupational medicine

– the person who performs intense physical activities and / or in demanding working conditions;

– TV presenters and their guests, provided that the distance of 3 m between persons is observed;

– children under the age of 5.

In open public spaces are excluded persons who fall into one of the following situations:

– carries out activities, including sports, individually or together with the people with whom they live;

– persons suffering from diseases affecting the oxygenation capacity, on the basis of a risk assessment carried out by the occupational physician / attending physician;

– the person who performs intense physical activities and / or in demanding working conditions;

– children with special needs, following the risk assessment by the attending physician;

– children under the age of 5.

de Interne also sent a press release on Thursday clarifying that wearing a protective mask is not mandatory if the person is alone on the street.

What other restrictions are in force in the Capital According to the data of DSP Bucharest, on Thursday, the incidence in Bucharest reached 11.49 per thousand ), increasing compared to Wednesday, when the Capital was at 10.93 per thousand. According to official data, the incidence was 10.31 per thousand on Tuesday and 9.64 on Monday.

Activity in bars, clubs and discos is prohibited;

    • Gymnasiums open at half capacity for vaccinated and those suffering from the disease
  • recreational and sports activities carried out outdoors, with the participation of up to 10 people who do not live together and are vaccinated or passed through illness; The shops close at 22:00. Editor: IC
    Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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