PUMA opens its largest regional factory outlet in Abu Dhabi

One of the more popular and successful retail models worldwide, PUMA’s newest factory outlet will provide fans of the brand a new destination

Global sports brand PUMA opened its largest factory outlet in the region at the popular Hamdan Street shopping district in Abu Dhabi. The new 700sqm store is the latest in a line of retail expansions by the sport brand in the region.

Offering a wide selection of PUMA’s iconic sportswear and apparel, the factory outlet caters to sports enthusiasts and casual buyers with its expansive product lines and prime collections.

One of the more popular and successful retail models worldwide, PUMA’s newest factory outlet will provide fans of the brand a new destination to meet its rising consumer demand, and is the latest expansion by PUMA as part of its commitment to pushing sports and culture forward in the region.

PUMA Middle East General Manager Taner Seyis commented on the opening saying: “We at PUMA are excited to launch our largest factory outlet as part of our promise to bring our consumers in the region the products they love, driven by the trademark PUMA innovation and variety they have come to expect. This expansion is the latest in our regional strategy to meet consumer demand and deliver PUMA’s offerings through iconic collections and product lines.”

Strategically located in the heavily frequented Hamdan Street area, the factory outlet store offers products catering to all age groups, genders and sports interests including running, training, team sport, motorsport, sport style, and popular collections from previous seasons such as the Manchester City, Neymar Jr, Coca Cola, and Vogue branded collaborations.

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